Why to wage a war? That's the first thing that comes to mind. Living a peaceful life should be everyone's right, then, again, why ruin it with your political and/or economical ideas? A lack of symphaty, understanding, love and respect, that's the only reason to fight. For those who crave war, already lost their humanity, their feelings and their soul.
To be a reasonable fight, it should only be to defend yourself and those you love from unfair agressions, but what we see today are made up enemies to conform political made up causes. Unfortunatly, the losses aren't made up. Look at your enemy and remember that, just like you, they have a family, friends and a political leader that really doesn't care about it all, but its own interest.
Fight for what? War brings destruction, spends your money and of those you love, might also spend your lives, something you can never get back, no matter what victory it brings. Living under the constant fear that a flash of light will simply evaporate you and everyone you know in seconds isn't really a good life perspective, is it? Then, again, this is only for us, not for those political leaders who wage the war, they're well safegarded within their bunkers, away from the turmoil. On the day they lead an army in the frontline, then, maybe, it'll make sense to fight.
Why go "Давай за" if you can simply avoid "Война"? I don't speak russian, so I can't really get them the same message, but I wish they could listen to their own music, especially KINO, so I leave here some citations: "И две тысячи лет война, война без особых причин, война дело молодых, лекарство против морщин" - Группа КИНО - Звезда по имени Солнце; "Перебиты, поломаны ноги, каждый звук отдаётся в мозгах, да и жаль умирать мне, ей богу, о двадцати неполных годах. Слёзы льются, из глаз моих льются, а не могу я их удержать, сам себе говорю: «Успокойся, а мы с улыбкой пойдём умирать!»" - Александр Дорошенко - Афган.
To make the world a better place, we need to respect and understand each other, on both sides. Why not just go with a calm life? Daily buying some bread, beetroots, potatoes, meat and going home? Or going to work and safely come back home? Instead of coming out of your way to kill someone you don't even know, just because someone else said so. If two nations don't wanna fight each other, there's no war. Just live a safe life, there are already so many other problems in this world to deal, why create a new one?
Die in war, what a sad way to end a life. Your badges won't take you to a better place, your medals won't bring you back to life, nor your fallen friends, war doesn't bring victory to anyone, just two types of defeat, the ones who lose everything to win the war and the ones who lose everything for nothing. My plead is not a case of "Make love, not war", it's more like "Make anything but war", we fight so many battles everyday, why fight one more?
Toinho Stark do Cangaço, 23/11/2024
(Why to fight? Why to die?)
(Why not just go with a calm life? Daily buying some bread, beetroots, potatoes, meat and going home? Or going to work and safely come back home? Instead of coming out of your way to kill someone you don't even know, just because someone else said so.)
(Why go "Давай за" if you can simply avoid "Война"?)
(It's not a case of "Make love, not war", but rather a "Make anything but war")
(War doesn't bring victory to anyone, just two types of defeat)